Oct 30, 2006

nas•cent / násent, náysent / adj.

1. (esp. of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.

2. in the act of being born.

We pulled the springboard out of the equipment room and placed it just in front of the free throw line. From mid-court I ran as fast as I dared, hit the board, flew up and completely missing the slam dunk, grabbed onto the rim. I swung a bit and dropped down.
"That sucked!"
"Yea, yea. You're next dickhead."
I picked up the ball from the corner and threw it at him. Ryan was stringy but really fast; a nascent athelete of some kind although he was most likely destined to stay on the farm. Backing up all the way to the other end of the gym he ran and hit the board full steam. I watched in awe as he launched, slammed the ball through the mesh, grabbed the rim, turned upside down, let go and landed on the floor with a sick thud. His head bounced one and a half times. I doubled over laughing. He tried to get up and slipped back down. I laughed till my eyes were blurry with tears. Then the blood started pouring out from above his left eye. Pouring.

1 comment:

SophieA said...

You're sick! Really sick! Morbid story... But I like things that are a little morbid